What should we eat more and eat less to prevent Type II diabetes?
Things to eat less:
-beef, lamb and pork ( all those red meats)
-butter, margarine, butter substitute ( the unsaturated fats)
-low-fat crackers and chips ( including all the snacks)
-reduced-fat biscuits
-egg substitute, fat-free yogurt and reduced-fat cheese
-baked potatoes, white bread and rice (not asking you to stop eating, but lessen it)
The starchy foods are the main sources of carbohydrates and yet the glucose.
Things to eat more:
-fish, poultry and beans
-extra virgin olive oil or vegetables oils such as Canola oil
-walnuts and other nuts, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, olive
-fresh fruits
-eggs, goat's cheese
-steamed vegetables tossed with herbs and drizzled with olive oil
**A good night sleep for at least 8 hours also proven to prevent Type II diabetes due to the affect on production of insulin.
Be aware and look seriously on Type II diabetes.